Chủ Nhật , 23 Tháng Hai 2025



Many Hindus know little about their religion. All they believe is that they are here because of their actions in a previous life; and they practice the caste system. Tradition is very important for them: they believe that they must follow the religious practices of their ancestors.
Hinduism is of the devil. Its many gods correspond to evil spirits that take captive the people who worship them. For them to truly receive Christ, evangelize with patient and love. We can pray, often with fasting, for God to break the power of the spirits. Only the one Almighty God can do this through the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thousands of Hindus have been convinced and converted through the Holy Spirit. They know that Jesus is the only Son of God, and that He has more power than the evil spirits. After seeing the healing of a neighbor or relative through prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, many believe in Him, His redeeming death, and His resurrection that gives us eternal life.


• Pray daily for your contacts and their families.
• Know and use the Bible in witnessing. Learn key verses.
• Form sincere friendships with people (of the same sex) and show real interest in their way of life. Accept hospitality and food. Return their hospitality – many Hindus prefer vegetarian food – especially not beef. Learn to think as they think and feel as they feel. Through friendship, your Christ-like life of peace and joy in the Lord will shine through. Hindus especially appreciate humility, spirituality, simplicity and renunciation of worldly pleasures. Hindus appreciate those whose have a deep sense of the mystery of God and life.


 Concentrate on the Lord Jesus Christ rather than “Christianity”. “Christian” land sadly have many evil things. We are to present the true of Gospel rather than defend traditional church practices or denominations.
 Hindus show respect for their holy books. If we put our Bibles on the floor or underline verses, they will think that we do not respect them as God’s Word.
 Study Hinduism to see its wide range of beliefs and practices. The most popular Hindu scripture is called the Bhagavad-Gita. Listen carefully to each individual Hindu to understand where he stands. Knowing Hinduism will enable you to relate truth to the Hindu from his own tradition, and only then from the Bible. This was the apostle Paul’s method in Acts 17. However, do not force Christian meanings onto Hindu texts. Some understanding of the Sanskrit language will also prove helpful.
Useful scriptures:
 The whole of John’s Gospel. You could read it together or come together after your friend has read some.
 John 1:18; 1 Timothy 1:17; 6:16 – the revelation of God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
 1 Peter 1:19; the purity of the life of Jesus.
 John 14:6: Jesus is the only way to God.
 Romans 12:1: our lives as sacrifices to God – not gifts
 Romans 3:23: people are basically sinful
 Ephesians 2:8-9: accepted by grace not works
 1 Timothy 3:16: the Bible breathed by God
 Hebrews 9:27: only one life on earth
 John 14:16-17: the Holy Spirit gives us the power to live as God demands: we do not have to struggle by ourselves.

 Share your personal experience of forgiveness and peace through the Lord Jesus Christ, answered prayers, and changed attitudes. Explain how your personal relationship to God is eternal: after death He received us in His presence: we do not merge like a drop in the ocean.
 Showing affection for your spouse in public is offensive to Hindus.
 Help new disciples from a Hindu background to work out their faith in their our context. Teach them what is commanded by the Lord Jesus but do not impose any church traditions. For example, if they feel happier worshipping without shoes, out of reverence for God, then this is fine. Do not encourage them to adopt Western practices.
 Do not separate new converts from their families. A Hindu should not have to leave his home and way of life to join the “Christian” way of life as regards diet and culture. Help new believers to maintain good relations with their family. Help them to constantly affirm to their family their support of all that is good in the Indian culture, and that following the Lord Jesus Christ does not nullify the Indian culture. Help them share with the family their coming to faith, step by step. In this way there is no sudden shock which could cause unnecessary pain and misunderstanding. It is not always a good idea to encourage converts to take on a “Christian” name, but to keep the name they were given.

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