Chủ Nhật , 23 Tháng Hai 2025




Be careful with words for which Hindus have another meaning. They understand something that we do not intend when we say “God”, “sin”, “holiness”, etc.. Satan has given them false meanings to these words:



God is not a person like us. He doesn’t contaminate himself with a material body! Neither does he think, love or forgive as we weak men do.

For many Hindus, God is an unending process that causes men to receive in their next life the punishment or reward that they deserve, according to their good or evil deeds in their present life. They think that, as far as their spiritual nature is concerned, they are God. However, at the same time, God also is far away from men and they cannot know Him.

The absolute “God” for many Hindus means:

  • A person who makes choices, loves, and judges what is evil. ( )
  • An impersonal process without emotions or will. ( )

Many Hindus think of the absolute God not as a person but as a universal process which everything follows. Men have to work out their own salvation. However, perhaps because of all people feel the need for a true personal God, many Hindus still have an idea of God’s mercy and ask God for help when in trouble.


My protector is the elephant god Ganesha. He was the god of my father and grandfather. And to be more holy, I also worship other gods. They are spirits. I am afraid of them. They’re responsible for diseases, harvests, accidents and success. I give them offerings every day so that they don’t get angry with me.

Hindus worship many gods, following in the steps of their ancestors. They see these gods as many manifestations of the Absolute God. This worship may be given to trees, animals, or holy men.

The inferior gods of the Hindus are a part of the “Absolute God”. They make sacrifices to millions of gods. These inhabit animals, plants, rivers, woods and mountains. For some, the cow is a goddess worthy of worship. Its urine and milk (including butter) have a purifying power. They think that any form of worship is good, as long as it follows the way one’s ancestors and one’s caste worshipped. One’s caste is a social and religious group to which one’s family and ancestors belong. It cannot be changed. They say that every religion is good when it is practiced by those who are born into it: Christianity would be the correct religion for those whose ancestors were Christians.


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