Thứ Bảy , 22 Tháng Hai 2025
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The Memorable Memories


I Went To Theological College


I will be never forgotten the memorable memories during the school days at Nha Trang Biblical Institute.

During my four years of study at Nha Trang Biblical Institute, I received a scholarship from Rev. Thomas Stebbins. He was a missionary of the American Christian and Missionary Alliance. This was also the first and most successful foreign Missionary Association in Vietnam. I lived by faith every day at the Institute. I had only the scholarship in this month and I had to win the scholarship for the next month. At the Institute, I also translated the Biblical Lessons from English into Vietnamese for an American professor named R. F. Rexilius. So I received some money for breakfast. Every weekend, I and other students went to the streets or the other areas to evangelize, preach the gospel, teach Bible for the teenagers.

On Christmas day, all students of the Institute were invited to participate in the evangelistic music program for thousands of students and non-commissioned officers of the Dong De-Training Center located in the northern mountain and not far from the Institute. I was chosen to be a preacher for this program. There were many generals, officers, and soldiers listening to my sermon. I speak of the Christmas story to express kinds of people toward God. It was the apathetic attitude of the scribes, the opposition of king  Herod, the worship the Lord of the Oriental doctors and the shepherds. I called everyone for a choice. I hoped for the right attitude toward God from many people on that day.

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I also had another great favor when the  Institute’s professors chose me to translate the sermon of Rev. Louis King. He was the Secretary General and President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA) came from New York. The professors often translated for foreign speakers. But this was the first time I had been selected for this job. I did worry about that. I had trusted God with this ministry and in the end, God gave me a fluent translation. The meeting was crowded with great blessings, especially when the speaker said about the wonderful things God had done all over the world. After finishing the translation I was very happy and to be praised by everyone, including Rev. Louis King and my professors.



Pastor  Hue Nguyen

Translated by Tuong Vi


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