Chủ Nhật , 23 Tháng Hai 2025
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Have Patience When Witnessing

  • With all respect for your sincerity, I think that so much tolerance in your religion is dangerous. As we are now friends, please let me tell you why. We are saved through faith in Jesus Christ, and not through works as so many think. Jesus Christ bore the guilt of our sins on the cross when he died. Do you believe this?
  • Of course! Christ is one of the ascended masters. He was very holy. He discovered another good way to the Absolute God. j 3
  • But there is only one way. Only Jesus has borne our sins. He cancelled them eternally by the sacrifice He made
  • It is lovely story. But the guilt of one person cannot be transferred to another, it would be unjust. Each person will receive in his next reincarnation exactly what he deserves, according to his good works, religious observance, or his evil deeds.
  • Don’t you believe in the love of a personal God? Don’t you appreciate the sacrifice Jesus has made for us?
  • Of course, but in my own way. I must go now to make a sacrifice to Ganesha  the elephant god. I can’t be so closed as you are. Please excuse me, my friend.
  • Oh God, help me. How can I communicate the value of Jesus redeeming death and His resurrection giving us forgiveness and eternal life? I’ll listen to the Hindu with even more patience, so he’ll listen to me too. Oh Lord, help me to be patient and trust in your Holy Spirit.


  • Tolerates other religions. ( )
  • Prohibits other religions. ( )

Some Hindus will easily accept Jesus as one god among others, but not as the only Saviour. Hindus tolerate other religions as long as they do not to convert Hindus.


Have Patience When Witnessing


We patiently cultivate a friendship with Hindus. They usually do not accept what we say the first day. We listen with interest when they talk of their holy rivers and mountains. We pray that the Holy Spirit will open their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. In time, some Hindus will see that Jesus Christ bring forgiveness, joy, holiness, healing, liberation from the evil one, and eternal life.

So as not offend Hindus, some missionaries abstain from eating beef (cow are holy for them). They use Indian styles in their meetings. They also  are careful not to have meetings for unmarried young men and women together.

Effective forms of witnessing include audio-visual aids, drama, poetry, discussions, and other Hindu forms.

It is best to witness to Hindus:

  • Hurriedly, forcing them to face reality. ( )
  • Slowly, having several long conversations. ( )

(The article will be continued in our next issue) <<  Previous   

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